§ 19. Major HORE-BELISHAasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what accommodation, if any, is provided for the crews of His Majesty's ships on the China station during the periods they are undergoing refit at the Hong Kong naval yard; if the whole of the crews be accommodated on board their ships during these periods, is he aware that such such procedure must cause much inconvenience to the officers and men and at the same time be a hindrance to the workmen employed in the ships during the refit; and whether he can make arrangements for the crews of His Majesty's ships undergoing refit at Hong Kong to be accommodated in quarters other than their own ships in a similar manner to the procedure which was in force at the port in question prior to 1918, or on similar lines to the arrangements made for crews of His Majesty's ships of the East India squadron?
§ Mr. AMMONI would refer the hon. Member to the replies given to the hon Member for Central Portsmouth (Sir T. Bramsdon) on the 15th April and the 5th May last, of which I am sending him a copy.