HC Deb 03 July 1924 vol 175 cc1494-5

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that there are many thousands of houses in London let out in flats and tenements where the owner or his agent pays the Inhabited House Duty direct to the collector of taxes, charging the same as a portion of the rent; and whether he will take steps, during the Committee stage of the Finance Bill, to ensure that tenants in such circumstances shall have, the full advantage of the abolition of this tax?


My attention had not previously been called specially to this matter, which should correct itself in the passage of time. I fear that in any event it would not be relevant to a Finance Bill.


Can the right hon. Gentleman not take some steps to ensure that the tenant secures the advantage of the tax being abolished, in view of the experience under the Rent Acts, when rate reductions were not passed on to the tenants?


I stated, in reply to the original question, that it could not be dealt with in the Finance Bill, and it does not fall within the province of the Treasury.