HC Deb 02 July 1924 vol 175 c1314
38. Mr. AYLES

asked the Minister of Health whether he will take steps to modify the Regulations relating to the procedure to be followed by responsible local authorities in the purchase of land for housing purposes so that they can take immediate advantage of advantageous offers of land at low prices which come into the market from time to time, and take it also without divulging their identity, which so often leads to an enhancement of prices?

The MINISTER of HEALTH (Mr. Wheatley)

I am not aware that local authorities generally have experienced difficulties of the nature referred to in acquiring land for housing purposes. Local authorities already have power to acquire land for housing purposes, notwithstanding that the land is not immediately required for those purposes, and provision is made in the Housing Acts for the compulsory acquisition of land in cases where it is not possible to acquire it by agreement at a reasonable price.


Can the right hon. Gentleman state the number of years allowed to local authorities to pay the principal and interest for the purchase of land?


That does not arise out of the question.

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