§ 3. Mr. HARMSWORTHasked the President of the Board of Trade whether, having issued their Final Report, the Royal Commission on Compensation for Suffering and Damage continues to function; if so, whether they will issue a supplementary Report on the conclusion of their work; if not, whether all outstanding claims have been delegated for decision to the Reparation Claims Department; and whether a Report will be issued in due course by that department?
Mr. WEBBAs to the first part of the question, the Royal Commission on Compensation for Suffering and Damage by Enemy Action has reported upon all the matters referred to it and has ceased to meet; consequently the second part of the question does not arise. As to the third part, the Reparation Claims Department is dealing with outstanding claims; and with regard to the last part, a further Report in some form or other will certainly be made in due course.
§ Sir HARRY BRITTAINDoes not this all go to show how poorly a great British department compares with a great British insurance company in arriving at results?
Mr. WEBBI am prepared to contradict that suggestion entirely. I consider as a matter of fact that these 78,000 claims have been dealt with, in view of the fact that they had to be examined and decided, with remarkable success.
§ Sir H. BRITTAINHave not many years passed?
§ 9. Mr. GRAHAM WHITEasked the President of the Board of Trade whether claims for suffering and damage from enemy action which have been adjudicated by the Royal Commission in respect of the five millions voted by Parliament are finally closed; or whether they will receive further consideration if and when further sums have been recovered from Germany in respect of reparations?
§ The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. William Graham)I have been asked to reply. I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the right hon. Member for the Aston Division on the 26th June, of which I am sending him a copy.