§ 35. Sir HENRY CRAIKasked the Secretary for Scotland what is the official name of the new statutory officer to whom the duties previously performed by the Deputy Clerk Register have been assigned; who is the person now performing these duties; and whose duty it is to reply to communications addressed to the Deputy Clerk Register?
Mr. ADAMSONThe official title of the new statutory officer to whom, as I stated on Tuesday last, most of the duties performed by Sir James Patten MacDougall and his predecessor have been assigned is the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Scotland. The person who now holds that office and performs its duties is Dr. J. C. Dunlop. Any communication addressed to the Deputy Clerk Register at the present time would fall to be answered by the head of the Department to which its contents related, for example, by the Deputy Keeper of the Records if it concerned the work of the Record Office. If necessity arose, any such communication would be referred to the Secretary for Scotland as the Minister to whom the Deputy Clerk Register was responsible.
§ Sir H. CRAIKIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that questions addressed to the Deputy Clerk Register do not receive any acknowledgment?
Mr. ADAMSONI am unaware of any communications received which have been treated in this way. Communications are sent to the Scottish Office, and I reply to them.