§ 52. Captain RAMAGEasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that grave dissatisfaction has been caused by the recent promotion of non-service officials in the Valuation Office of the Board of Inland Revenue over a number of ex-service officials with distinguished war and civil records, who were senior in point of age and service to the promoted officials; and if he will say what steps he proposes to take in the matter?
Mr. GRAHAMRepresentations have been made to the Board of Inland Revenue regarding certain recent promotions in the Valuation Office, and the Board have received a deputation to discuss the matter. As I explained in reply to an earlier question by the hon. and gallant Member, the recruitment at the same time of the staff in question detracts from the weight to be allowed in the process of selection to seniority. The machinery for dealing with promotions in the Valuation Office has been designed to ensure full consideration of all competent opinions, and I am satisfied that every effort is made to secure the selection of the best men for advancement, and that in making the selection full regard is had to military record.