§ 37. Major MOULTONasked the Secretary of State for War how much money has been proved to have been lost to the public during the three years ending 31st December, 1923, by reason of misappropriation of Army funds?
§ Mr. WALSHThe losses of Army cash by theft or fraud or suspected fraud during the three years ended 31st December, 1923, amounted to about £38,000. The total of the cash provided by Parliament for Army Services during the three financial years mainly concerned was £220,615,000, so that the percentage of loss was about .017 only. Having regard to these perpetual questions about chartered accountants, to show the effect of the service already rendered to the War Departments, I think I should explain what this .017 percentage means. It means that about £1 in £5,980 has been lost.
§ Sir HENRY CRAIKI would like to state that the Public Accounts Committee went very carefully into this matter, and were absolutely satisfied with the economy of the administration under Sir Charles Harris.