HC Deb 21 February 1924 vol 169 cc1955-7

asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that a considerable number of ex-service men engaged as temporary civil servants under the Ministry in Edinburgh have received notice of dismissal as at 31st March; and, if so, does he propose allowing these notices to take effect at that date?


Owing to a decrease in the volume of work to be performed, the retention of the full staff now engaged cannot be justified after the 31st March. I have, however, arranged to discuss the question of the redundants with a representative of the men concernd to-morrow morning, and I will communicate my decision to the hon. Member in due course.


Will the same information be supplied to other hon. Members in whose constituencies there are ex-service men in the same position?


If any hon. Member applies for the answer, I will certainly give it to him.

24. Lieut.-Colonel Sir F. HALL

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that instructions were issued by his predecessors to the effect that disabled ex-service men were to be the last to be discharged from temporary positions in the Civil Service; that a number of these men have received notification that their services are to be dispensed with; and whether he will take steps to see that not only these men, but also all ex-service men who served in the theatres of war, are retained until the whole of the non-service temporary officers have been discharged.


I am aware that the standing instructions, based on the recommendations of the Lytton Committee, give preference for retention, subject to the overriding consideration of efficiency, to disabled ex-service men, and I regret that it has therefore been necessary to include some of these men amongst those declared redundant. As I informed the hon. Member for East Edinburgh on the 14th instant, the possibility of finding further employment for them is being explored. None would, however, be competent to replace any of the remaining non-service temporary officials who now number only 11, of whom three are under notice.


Provided these disabled ex-service men are competent to carry out the duties, will the Minister see that they are not discharged while non-service men are retained?

Captain Viscount CURZON

Can the Minister give any idea of the numbers who are being discharged while "conchies" are being kept?


In regard to the latter point, I do not think there is any foundation in the suggestion that "conchies" are being kept.

Viscount CURZON

They are.


On the other question, it would be impossible for me to give any definite information to-day, but the matter will be considered.

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