HC Deb 21 February 1924 vol 169 cc1964-5
39. Mr. PIELOU

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department the number of aliens permitted to enter this country during the six months ending the 31st January, 1924; from what countries they originate; and is it proposed, in view of the large amount of unemployment existing in this country, to make the Regulations permitting aliens to land more drastic?


I ask leave to give the figures up to the end of last year. They are most conveniently dealt with for periods of not less than a Quarter. For the last six months of the year 1923, 184,228 aliens were given leave to land in this country. They came from all the countries of the world. All but a very small number came on temporary visits for purposes of business or pleasure; and, as I indicated in my answer to the hon. Member for Kingston-upon-Thames (Mr. Penny) last Monday, there is no reason to think that they added to the unemployment in this country. I may add that the outflow of aliens in the same period, namely 200,238, was larger than the inflow.


May I ask whether the policy of the Government will be continued, and no aliens allowed to land in this country who are likely to take away work from our own people?


Will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration the number of maid servants that have been brought over here by Gentlemen on the opposite benches? [HON. MEMBERS: "Withdraw!"]


The hon. Member ought not to make allegations in the form of a supplementary question. With regard to the supplementary question on policy, when an Under-Secretary is answering, it is only fair to put on the Paper larger questions on the policy of the Department.