HC Deb 19 February 1924 vol 169 cc1512-3
41. Lieut.-Colonel HODGE

asked the Secretary of State for War if the per- manent joint secretary to the War Office on the financial side is retiring from that position on or about the 31st March next; and, if so, if it is proposed to replace this gentleman by another civil servant or will the Secretary to the War Office consider the advisability of filling this position by the appointment of a chartered accountant and throw the appointment open to competition at the salary enjoyed by the present occupant?

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Stephen Walsh)

The temporary arrangement referred to in the question terminates on the 2nd proximo, and the Department will thenceforth be organised on normal lines, the Permanent Under-Secretary of State being assisted on the financial side by a deputy with special experience of Army finance. The necessary appointments have been made and announced.

Lieut.-Colonel HODGE

Has the right hon. Gentleman made himself acquainted with the evidence tendered over a series of years before the Public Accounts Committee, whereby it has been revealed that many millions have been lost to the public through the administration of the financial side of the War Office and—[HON. MEMBERS: "Order!"]


This is not the time for a speech.

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