HC Deb 19 February 1924 vol 169 cc1501-2
4. Lord APSLEY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether there are any certified instances of German goods being sent to this country via Ireland to evade British taxation; and what steps he is taking in that case to prevent the practice?

11 Mr. PENNY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information indicating that British Customs duties have been evaded by Germans exporting goods to Ireland for re-export to England as goods of Irish manufacture?

67. Colonel GRETTON

asked the Chancellor of tile Exchequer if his attention has been called to the fact that German goods are sent to the. Irish Free State, and thence forwarded to Great Britain, in order to evade the 26 per cent. Reparation tax on German goods; and if any steps have been taken, or will be taken, to prevent German goods evading in this way the Reparation tax levied by Great Britain and the Allied Powers?


I have been asked to reply. I am aware that reports have appeared in the Press in regard to the existence of schemes for evading the Reparation levy in the manner suggested in the question. But so far, the Customs authorities, who are fully alive to the position, have no reason to suppose that successful attempts have been made to carry such schemes into effect.


If it were found that German goods were being sent via Dublin, would they not pay the same tax as German goods coming direct?


I am afraid I shall require notice of that question. It is rather a difficult problem and it is complicated by the larger question as to the attitude of Germany towards the duty as a whole.


Would it he the same if Germany sent the goods via Hull?


That is a hypothetical question.