HC Deb 18 February 1924 vol 169 cc1307-8
57. Mr. POTTS

asked the Prime Minister whether he can lay upon the Table of the House copies, and supply Members of Parliament with them, of all the existing international treaties made between the British government and foreign powers?


Each treaty as concluded is supplied to hon. Members when laid before Parliament in the Treaty Series. I could not undertake to furnish all hon. Members with copies of all existing treaties between His Majesty's Government and foreign powers, which are comprised in a publication ("Hertslet's Commercial Treaties") now running to 29 large volumes. But this publication and "British and Foreign State Papers," which contains all treaties concluded between all nations, are available in the Libraries of both Houses of Parliament. A revised edition of a "Hand-book of Commercial Treaties," containing all the more essential documents, is now in preparation, and will be published by H.M. Stationery Office in a few months' time.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether any secret treaties exist between the late Government and foreign Powers which are not deposited in the Library?


That is another question altogether. I must have separate notice of that question.