§ 39. Sir JOHN PENNEFATHERasked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to the increased drinking of methylated spirit, and to suggestions recently made by the Liverpool justices in regard to the matter; and, if so, can he say what steps he proposes to take?
Mr. DAVIESThis question has been given special attention by my Department for some time past, and will continue to receive attention. Suggestions made by the Liverpool justices and from many other quarters have been considered. Recently at a conference between various Departments concerned certain practical preventive steps were discussed and progress was made towards the, adoption of measures intended inter alia to make the liquid even more unpalatable than it is at present.
Viscountess ASTORWill the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that this is increasing in spite of not having Prohibition in England?
§ Mr. A. M. SAMUELCould not the difficulty be got over by reducing the duty on whisky, so that one can have whole-some stuff to drink?
Mr. DAVIESI will refer that suggestion to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. As to the suggestion of the Noble Lady, any suggestion which she makes will receive due consideration.