§ Mr. BALDWINMay I ask the Government what business it is proposed to take next week?
§ Mr. CLYNESThe business will be as follows:—
Monday: Unemployment Insurance Bill, Second Reading; Diseases of Animals Bill, Money Resolution, Committee Trade Facilities Bill, Money Resolution, Committee.
Tuesday: Diseases of Animals Bill, Money Resolution, Report: Trade Facilities Bill, Money Resolution, Report; Unemployment Insurance Bill, Committee.
Wednesday: Diseases of Animals Bill, Second Reading; Trade Facilities Bill, Second Reading.
Thursday: Supplementary Estimates.
§ Mr. CLYNESThat is always stated on the Order Paper.
§ Lieut.-Colonel Sir J. NALLIs it proposed to suspend the eleven o'clock rule on Monday?
§ Mr. CLYNESWe trust that the Government will not. be provoked to that extreme step.
§ Mr. BALDWINHas a day been fixed for the discussion of the Motion put down by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Paisley (Mr. Asquith)?
§ Mr. CLYNESNo day has yet been fixed; it is a matter of accommodation.
§ Mr. HOPECan the right hon. Gentleman say when he proposes to move the Resolution to take up a certain amount of the time of the House?
§ Mr. CLYNESIt will not be next week.