HC Deb 12 February 1924 vol 169 cc728-9

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that private medical practitioners experience difficulty in obtaining supplies of glycerinated calf lymph of the same guaranteed purity as that supplied to public vaccinators by the Ministry of Health; and, as many persons desirous of having vaccination or revaccination performed by their own medical advisers should have similar guarantees with regard to the purity of the lymph used to those extended to persons vaccinated by public vaccinators, will he take steps to secure the necessary powers to enable private medical practitioners to secure supplies of such lymph at a reasonable charge from Government sources?


As regards the first part of the question, I am advised that there, is nit difficulty in obtaining from reputable firms supplies of glycerinated calf lymph of reliable quality. The action suggested in the second part would involve a large and costly extension of the present Government supply which I am not prepared to recommend.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether there is actually a shortage of lymph, and medical practitioners requiring it arc not able to get it?


I am advised that there is no such shortage.

27. Sir K. WOOD

asked the Minister of Health what steps he is taking to deal with the serious outbreak of small-pox in various parts of the country?


The responsibility for dealing with an outbreak of small-pox rests upon the local authorities and their officers. I may, however, say that at present there are only seven districts in which there is any considerable number of cases, and the medical officers of my Department are rendering all possible assistance and advice to the authorities of the affected areas.


In respect of this outbreak and any other future outbreaks, will the right hon. Gentleman do his best to ensure the full enforcement of the Vaccination Acts? [HoN. MEMBERS: "No!"]