HC Deb 12 February 1924 vol 169 c737

(by Private Notice) asked the Minister of Health if his attention has been called to the wholesale, evictions now taking place all over the country of respectable tenants, some with large families; whether he is aware that in 40 cases in one Court where eviction orders were granted, the tenants had never been in arrears and had an average tenancy of eleven years each, and what steps are being taken or contemplated to end this scandal?


I have not had my attention drawn officially to the particular cases to which reference is made, but I am aware that a number of such eases are occurring in different parts of the country. The Government are considering the whole question of Rent Restriction. In the meantime, as my hon. Friend will appreciate, I have no authority to interfere with the decision of the Courts.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the costs attached to the eviction are of such a character as to force the tenants to sell their homes in order to pay them?


I have the utmost sympathy with the spirit which prompts these questions, and I shall do all in my power to bring relief to these suffering people.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir PAGE CROFT

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider in view of these hardships that, where owners are given power at this late stage to occupy their own cottages and houses, first consideration will be given to those tenants who are thus displaced in the provision of the new houses by municipal authorities?


The hon. and gallant Member must put that question on the Paper.

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