§ Lieut.-Colonel Sir J. NORTON-GRIFFITHS (by Private Notice)asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received any further information in relation to the case of the boy Arthur Sullivan, who, it was asserted, had been badly treated in South Australia, and whether in view of the great anxiety which must be felt by the parents of boys in this country who have migrated, he is in a position to either affirm or refute the statements which have been made?
§ Lieut.-Colonel BUCKLEYThe Australian authorities in London have received a cable on this subject from the Government of South Australia, a copy of which has been forwarded to me. I think I cannot do better than to read this telegram to the House:
"Copy of Cablegram Received from the South Australian Government, dated 9th May, 1923.Referring to your telegram of the 8th Farm Apprentice Sullivan—allegations 2582 entirely without foundation. Only 2 communications received from him since his arrival in both instances he professed complete satisfaction and happiness. He has been person ally written to on 8 separate occasions by the Immigration Officer. Sullivan is far from satisfactory has had 3 positions in 10 months. The Boy Welfare Committee of Loxton reported in March that they were unable to arrange his transfer locally owing to unsatisfactory work. Boys are always invited to make complaint to the Immigration Department. The scheme generally is a great success.I will consider, in consultation with the Oversea Settlement Committee and the Australian authorities, what further action is necessary in this particular case.