§ 26. Major M. WOODasked the Minister of Pensions why, seeing that the revised scheme for parents' need pensions does not recognise temporary sickness as creating a condition of need entitling a parent to a pension in respect of a deceased son, his Department takes into account in assessing the amount of a parent's pension National Health Insurance benefit, which is by its nature temporary and may be terminated at any moment?
§ Major TRYONA need pension is only payable if the claimant is wholly or partly incapable of self support. Temporary incapacity due to temporary illness is not a ground of claim and in such cases the question of taking sickness benefit into account does not arise. Where, however, the incapacity is certified to be reasonably permanent, disablement benefit under the National Health Insurance Acts is normally preceded by a period of sickness benefit, and these benefits being in respect of a permanent condition must be taken into account in computing a parent's income.
§ Major WOODWho certifies that the illness is permanent?
§ Major TRYONThe authorities concerned in the administration of the Insurance Act.