§ 8. Mr. DAVID REIDasked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a report of the medical officer of the Manchester port sanitary authority regarding the insanitary condition of certain ships engaged in the carriage of Canadian store cattle to this country; and whether he will take steps to ensure that the traffic will be carried on in ships properly equipped for the purpose?
13. Colonel NEWMANasked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a report of the Manchester port sanitary authority as to the unsatisfactory conditions which exist on the two vessels which brought the first consignment of Canadian store cattle to this country with regard to the accommodation for cattlemen; whether, in addition, attention was called to the fact that the cattle, though healthy, were not altogether free from pulmonary tuberculosis, that the manure had not been removed until the ships arrived in port, and that in bad weather the hatches could not be removed; and what action does he propose to take?
§ Viscount WOLMERMy attention has been called to this matter, and I have obtained a report from one of the Board's surveyors about the conditions on these vessels. It appears that when the vessels last left the United Kingdam it was not anticipated that they would engage in this trade. The temporary accommodation for the cattlemen was, I am informed, fitted under the inspection of the Canadian Department of Agriculture. As, however, the vessels are intended to continue in this trade for some time, proper accommodation is being fitted in accordance with the Board's Regulations. As to the health of the cattle, I would refer to the answer given yesterday by the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries to the hon. and learned Member for Londonderry (Sir M. Macnaghton). With regard to ventilation, I am assured that the vessels have ample freeboard when carrying cattle, and that in at least one of the vessels the hatches on the lee side were off for the purpose of ventilating the cattle deck during the whole of the passage.
Colonel NEWMANWill the Noble Lord answer the last part of my question, No. 13? Is he aware that the cattle were said to be suffering from very bad colds in the head—
§ Mr. J. JONESLike most of the Tory party—
Colonel NEWMANThat they were kept under hatches, without proper ventilation, and was this not likely to make them worse?
§ Mr. MACPHERSONIs the Noble Lord not aware that definite, clear, and distinct pledges were given to this House that Canadian cattle brought over to this country would be conveyed under humane conditions, and will he see that those definite pledges are fulfilled?
§ Viscount WOLMERYes, Sir.
§ Sir W. DAVISONIs it the Board's inspectors that have said that these cattle, which, I understand, were suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, were very healthy? Can cattle in this state still be described as very healthy?
§ Viscount WOLMERThat is a question which my hon. Friend must address to the Board of Agriculture.