HC Deb 08 May 1923 vol 163 cc2120-1
17. Mr. A. M. SAMUEL

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that owing to the very large number of cases still to be heard, there is more work than the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal can dispose of within reasonable time, although the distinguished jurists comprising the tribunal are admittedly working at a high rate of speed; and whether he will consider the appointment of additional members of the tribunal so that it may sit in divisions as provided by Article 304 (c) of the Treaty of Versailles?

Viscount WOLMER

As I said on the 19th April, in answer to the hon. Member for South-East Southwark, active steps are now being taken with a view to setting up an additional division of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, and I hope that the arrangements will be completed at an early dte.


Can the Noble Lord say when that date will be; and is he aware that great feeling is being engendered against this Tribunal and much inconvenience is being caused owing to the fact that it has not enough staff and members; and although they are quite blameless in the matter is he aware that a great deal of loss has been experienced by firms in this country owing to these claims not having been heard?

Viscount WOLMER

Yes, the Board of Trade is aware of the difficulties, and we are doing everything in our power to extend the personnel of the tribunal, but the British Government is not the only authority concerned in this matter.


Can the Noble Lord say when this will be done—will it be within a month?

Viscount WOLMER

I would not like to promise that.