HC Deb 07 May 1923 vol 163 cc1903-4

asked the Prime Minister what action the Government has taken or proposes to take with regard to the German Note relating to reparations?

51. Mr. A. J. BENNETT

asked the Prime Minister if he is in a position to state the reply of the British Government to the latest financial offer by Germany; whether the British opinion on the matter has been formally asked by the Allies operating in the Ruhr; if so, how it has been or will be communicated to them: and, if not in agreement with their opinion, whether it will be communicated at all, and, if so, how, to Germany?

55. Captain W. BENN

asked the Prime Minister whether a reply to the German offer has yet been despatched; if so, what are its terms; and whether the British Government was consulted as to the terms of the French reply to the German Government?


I hope to be in a position to make a statement on this subject to-morrow.


May I repeat the question to-morrow, or will my right hon. Friend take another opportunity of dealing with the subject on another Motion?


I think the most convenient way will be to arrange for a Private Notice question.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider publishing a White Paper containing the terms of the Note and the replies both of this Government and of the Allied Government in time for Thursday's Debate?


I do not think that that would be practicable. Perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend will await my statement to-morrow.