HC Deb 03 May 1923 vol 163 cc1594-5
39. Mr. HAYDAY

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to complaints regarding the treatment of girls in Stoke Park Industrial School, Stapleton, Bristol; whether he is aware that Edith Mansfield, who was sent to this school at 11 years of age to be detained until she reached the age of 16, is still confined there at the age of 22; that Dora Thorp was sent to this school at the age of 12 and is still there in her twenty-fourth year; and whether he will make inquiries as to the reason for the detention of these girls, and any others in a like position, beyond the period specified at the time of their entry into the school?


Both these girls were committed by order of a Court to industrial schools until they reached the age of 16. The former was certified to be mentally defective, and transferred to the Stoke Park Colony, under Section 9 of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913. The latter was not found fit for discharge on the expiry of her sentence, as her mental condition was reported to be that of a child of 11, and her home offered no proper means of supervision. I understand that the guardians who accepted responsibility for her maintenance decided that in the girl's own interest she needed further care and training at the Stoke Park Colony. In neither case has my right hon. Friend any further jurisdiction, but he is bringing the hon. Member's question to the notice of the Minister of Health.


Can the hon. Gentleman say at what period during their detention mental deficiency was first detected?


I rather think the age was 16 years, but I would prefer a question to be put down about that.