HC Deb 01 May 1923 vol 163 cc1152-3

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether he is aware that the refusal of the Board of Agriculture for Scotland to supply seed oats and seed potatoes, in view of last year's bad harvest, has occasioned hardship and distress to numbers of smallholders, especially those round the coasts of Caithness and Sunderland; in what respect their case differs from similar cases in previous seasons when, after bad harvests, assistance has been granted by the Board of Agriculture; and whether any money has been set aside in the Estimates of the Scottish Office for the current year in case another bad harvest should occur and the need arise for making grants under Section 4 (b) of the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act, 1897?

Captain ELLIOT

My Noble Friend has no evidence to show that the scarcity of seed is greater in parts of Caithness and Sutherland than in other outlying parts of the congested districts, and he is not aware that any hardship or distress can reasonably be attributed to the refusal of the Board to give financial aid towards the purchase of seeds. The Board are not in a position to grant assistance for this purpose from their limited resources unless the need is exceptionally great, and the circumstances of the present year did not justify expenditure for the purpose. No money has been specifically earmarked for this purpose to meet the possibility of an exceptional emergency next year, but consideration of the question would not be precluded if necessity arose.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that the difficulty we are up against is that we are told there is no money when fishermen or crofters are in distress? Is it not, best to earmark some of this money before the distress actually arises?

Captain ELLIOT

I understood the hon. and gallant Member's position to be that distress had arisen in these cases.


Certainly, but may I draw attention to the last part of the question, asking the hon. and gallant Gentleman to set aside some money in case of a bad harvest this year?

Captain ELLIOT

If we set aside money for this purpose and it was not expended, it would have to be returned to the Treasury and Scotland would lose the money.