HC Deb 28 March 1923 vol 162 c483

asked the Minister of Labour the number of ex-service men who were trained as public elementary teachers at the training colleges for teachers established under the control of the Ministry; how many of these are now unemployed, giving the

College. Number Trained. Number known to be employed. Number known to be unemployed. Number concerning whom no information is available.
Sarisbury Ct. 140 140
Springfield, Birmingham 149 110 17 22
Hornsey 174 68 45 51
Erith 196 113 31 52

In addition, there are 143 ex-service men still in training at Sarisbury Court.

Out of a total of 30 tutorial staff who were employed at Sprinfield, Hornsey and Erith, 10 are known to be in full time, and one in part-time, employment. No information is available regarding the remainder.

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