HC Deb 26 March 1923 vol 162 cc21-2

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any reply to the representations of His Majesty's Government to the Greek Government in order to secure payment of the admitted claim of £49,000 sterling due to the Smyrna-Aidin Railway Company has yet been received; and, if so, what is the nature of the reply?


His Majesty's representative at Athens is pressing for the early payment of the claim. On the receipt of the Greek Government's reply the company will be informed.

28. Mr. DOYLE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that damage, estimated at not less than £200,000 sterling, was caused to the Smyrna-Aidin Railway by the Greeks during their retreat last autumn; and, if so, whether His Majesty's Government will take the present opportunity of taking up this question with Monsieur Venizelos with a view to securing adequate compensation?


It is understood that a certain amount. of damage was caused to the Smyrna-Aidin Railway during the retreat of the Greeks last autumn, and His Majesty's Government will be ready to take up with the Greek Government the question of compensation to the company at the opportune moment, in so far as His Majesty's Government may be satisfied that the Greek Government is responsible.

29. Mr. DOYLE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that a claim was made on behalf of the Smyrna-Aidin Railway, under Article 287 of the Treaty of Sevres, in respect of the period which has elapsed since 1918, during which the company has not been in full control of its system and has suffered severe material losses; and, if so, what steps it is now proposed to take to compensate the company for this period, in view of the fact that the Treaty of Sevres has not been ratified?


The Treaty of Sevres, as the hon. Member is aware, was never ratified and is to be replaced by a new Treaty now in process of negotiation. The question of compensation to the Smyrna-Aidin Railway Company for the period mentioned, as also that during the War, is receiving consideration in connection with the present negotiations.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that on the last occasion I put a question on this subject he referred me to a Blue Book; and will he be kind enough to tell me now what Blue Book and what page?


I am afraid that I should have to refresh my memory before giving the hon. Member the information he desires.