HC Deb 26 March 1923 vol 162 c18
25. Mr. J. BUTLER

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the nature and degree of autonomy to be enjoyed by the inhabitants of Eastern Galicia have been left by the Ambassadors' Conference to the discretion of the Polish Government; if so, what guarantees have been given that these will be adequate; and, if not, with whom will it lie to decide whether the measures of autonomy to be proposed by the Polish Government are, in fact, adequate?


I have already explained the position as regards autonomy-and the question of guarantees in my answer given on 21st March to a question by the hon. Member for Acton (Sir H. Brittain), to which I have nothing to add.


asked the Prime Minister whether the scheme of autonomy for Eastern Galicia, which is to be the condition of the Galician settlement., will be submitted to and approved by the Ambassadors' Conference before the settlement becomes final?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Bonar Law)

The grant of autonomy to Eastern Galicia by the Polish Government is part of the settlement, but that Government will not be required to furnish details of any particular scheme to the Ambassadors Conference.


Are we to understand that the Government have taken no steps to see that this autonomy, which is part of the agreement, is not a matter of mere form?


Yes, they have taken the steps directly embodied in the agreement.