HC Deb 26 March 1923 vol 162 c42

asked the Prime Minister whether any immediate steps are being taken in the direction of formulating a definite policy by his Government towards the financial reconstruction of China pending the appointment of a foreign commission upon the ratification by the remaining Governments of the Washington Resolutions?


The problems arising out of the present chaotic state of Chinese finances are receiving the constant attention of His Majesty's Government. The chief purpose of the Tariff Commission mentioned by the hon. Member is to prepare for the abolition of likin, and to determine the conditions upon which a Customs surtax of 2½ per cent. may be granted. It is not contemplated that the Commission shall undertake the general financial reconstruction of China.


Is the Department. devoting its attention and directing its efforts to a more, rapid development of policy?

Captain HAY

Before we formulate any policy for the financial reconstruction of China, ought we not to proceed to formulate a policy of social reconstruction at home?