HC Deb 22 March 1923 vol 161 cc2743-4
75. Mr. W. GRAHAM

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that pre-1919 retired teachers in Scotland are presenting a memorial to the Treasury and the Scottish Education Department pleading that the 1919 superannuation scheme should be amended to secure to them a pension equal to half salary for 40 years' service, and corresponding ratio for shorter periods, on the standard of the minimum national scales; that the present total average pension of Scottish teachers retiring before 1919 is only £87, compared with an average of £160 for teachers retiring since that date; that the number of pre-1919 retired teachers surviving has fallen from 1,350 at 31st March, 1919, to between 750 and 800 at 31st March, 1922; and whether, in view of the comparatively small number involved and the hardship to men and women who never enjoyed the improved salaries he will favourably consider this petition or receive a small deputation of Scottish Members on the subject?

Captain ELLIOT

My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply. The memorial referred to has not yet been received in the Scottish Education Department, nor, I understand, at the Treasury. The figures based on official records differ considerably in some particulars from those quoted by the hon. Member. The average pension, excluding the deferred annuity, of teachers who retired before the present superannuation scheme became effective is £ 88 6s. 11d. The average annual allowance awarded under that scheme has been £ 143 3s. 1d. The number of pre-1919 pensioners at 31st March, 1919, was 1,347, and at 31st March, 1922, 1,117. Apart from the provisions of the Pensions (Increase) Act, any addition to the pensions of retired teachers in Scotland could only be at the expense of the Education (Scotland) Fund, and my Noble Friend does not feel he would be justified in proposing an amendment of the superannuation scheme which would impose a further charge on that fund.


Would my hon. and gallant Friend reply to the last part of the question as to whether he would receive some of the Scottish Members, who would put quite a different complexion on the reply he has just given?

Captain ELLIOT

As the question was originally addressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, I was not sure whether my hon. Friend desired to meet the Secretary for Scotland, but if Scottish Members do desire to meet the Secretary, I have no doubt my Noble Friend will take any opportunity that may arise of meeting them.