HC Deb 21 March 1923 vol 161 cc2543-4
37. Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give an estimate of the cost to the taxpayer in the running of domestic training centres for the ensuing financial year; will he say how many of these training centres have been in operation for the past year; by how many pupils have they been attended; what has been the total cost; and is any record kept of the number of such pupils who have entered domestic service and held their situations for a consecutive period of six months?


The total cost to the State of homecraft training centres during the financial year 1923–24 is estimated at £35,000. The number of such centres during the year 1922–23 was 123, providing accommodation for approximately 4,500 women and girls. The total cost of these centres for the year 1922/23 is estimated at £84,220, the greater part of which will have been borne by the Central Committee on Women's Training and Employment out of their own funds. Not less than 70 per cent. of the women and girls leaving the training centres are known to have entered domestic service, but information is not available as be the number who hold their situations for a consecutive period of six months.

Colonel NEWMAN

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer that part of the question which asks how many pupils have attended these training centers?


If the answer is not quite clear, I apologise to the hon. Member. There has been pressure on the space.