HC Deb 20 March 1923 vol 161 cc2338-9
45 and 46. Mr. JARRETT

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether representatives of the Crown Colonies have been invited to attend the forthcoming Imperial Economic Conference;

(2) whether opportunity will be given to Parliament to consider in advance the agenda for the forthcoming Imperial Economic Conference; and whether suggestions for such agenda will be accepted from others than members of His Majesty's Imperial and Dominion Governments?


I hope that the list of subjects to be included in the agenda for the Imperial Economic Conference will be settled, in consultation with the Governments of the Dominions and India, in time to allow of their being announced, and considered by the interests concerned in the various parts of the Empire, before the Conference meets.

The President of the Board of Trade has already intimated on behalf of His Majesty's Government that when the arrangements for the Conference have been definitely settled, it is his intention to take steps to consult the representatives of commerce and industry in this country.

It is contemplated that the Conference should include representation of the Colonies and Protectorates, but the form of representation has not yet been settled.


Is the right hon. Gentleman in a position to indicate the date when the Conference will be held?


I am not able to name a date; but we are in communication with the Dominion Governments and India.

Captain BENN

The Prime Minister said that consultations were going on with the representatives of commerce and industry. Can he say what precautions are being taken to see that the interests of the consumer are also watched?