HC Deb 20 March 1923 vol 161 cc2342-3
59. Mr. CAIRNS

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number of ex-civil servants in receipt of pensions, giving average age at retirement, average pension paid, the lowest pension and the highest pension per annum paid at date, and the total annual cost; the number of persons in the Civil Service in receipt of full salaries or wages who arc also in receipt of pensions from the Government, giving average amount and average age; and the number of Members of Parliament in the present House of Commons who are in receipt of pensions from the Government, because of military, naval, civil services, and as ex-Cabinet Ministers, showing the totals of each kind separately?


The number of persons in receipt of Civil Service pensions last autumn was 30,670. Pensions are awarded upon retirement at the age of 60 or upwards or at earlier ages in cases of ill-health or abolition of office, but I am not in a position to state the average age of existing pensioners at retirement. The average pension paid is approximately £135. The highest is £2,000 per annum; the lowest (for short service followed by service pensioned from other funds) is believed to be 10s. 5d. per annum. The total annual cost is about £4,200,000. Complete information as to the number of persons employed in the Civil Service who are also in receipt of pensions could not be supplied without undue clerical labour, but the hon. Member will find particulars as regards individual cases in the footnotes to the various Estimates. The information asked for by the hon. Member in the final part of the question is being collected, and will, when available, be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will the hon. Gentleman reply to the portion of the question about ex-Cabinet Ministers?


I cannot say without information whether they are included in this.


Do any of these civil servants suffer reductions in pensions as in the case of old age pensioners because of their small private income?


Will the hon. Gentleman reply to the last part of my question?


I understood the hon Member to say that he would circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will the hon. Gentleman answer my question?


It seems to me to be an argumentative question, and perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will put it down.