HC Deb 15 March 1923 vol 161 cc1949-50

Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding £20,000,000, be granted to His Majesty, on account, for defraying the Charges for Army Services which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st day of March, 1924, namely:—

Heads of Cost. Amount required.
Head I.—Maintenance of Standing Army 12,000,000
Head II.—Territorial Army and Reserve Forces 2,000,000
Head III.—Educational, etc., Establishments and Working Expenses of Hospitals, Depôts, etc. 2,000,000
Head IV.—War Office, Staff of Commands, etc. 500,000
Head V.—Capital Accounts 700,000
Head VI.—Terminal and Miscellaneous Charges, etc. 800,000
Head VII.—Half-pay, Retired pay, Pensions, etc. 2,000,000
Total to be voted £20,000,000 "

Resolutions to be reported upon Monday next; Committee to sit again upon Monday next..

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