§ As to aerodromes there will be a number of important questions coming up to be settled in the near future as to what kind of facilities the State ought to give to civil aviation. In the meanwhile the Air Ministry is, by international agreement, maintaining two civil Air Force ports, Lympne and Croydon, and there has recently been set up a civil aviation Advisory Board—a body to which I owe a great deal for its valuable advice—to consider the question as to whether Croydon is the most suitable aerodrome for London. The Committee reported that it has come to the conclusion that of the various aerodromes available, Croydon can be developed with less expense and probably with more success than any other. I accept the view of the Committee. Accordingly, I am including in this year's Estimates a small sum for the preliminary steps to make the necessary developments at Croydon. So much for the question of aerodromes.