HC Deb 13 March 1923 vol 161 cc1279-80

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total amount of grants and loans made out of the Development Fund since the establishment of the Development Commission in 1969; and how much of this sum has been allocated to purposes from which agricultural labourers receive any direct benefit?


The total amount of grants and loans made out of the Development Fund between the establishment of the Development Commission in 1909 and the 9th instant is as follows:

£ s. d.
Grants 2,689,042 15 7
Loans 657,782 6 3

There is nothing in the Development and Roads Improvement Fund Acts, 1909 and 1910, prescribing advances for the direct benefit of agricultural labourers, though they, in common with the rest of the agricultural community, have benefited by the improvements in agricultural methods arising from the operation of the Act. Under the Corn Production Acts (Repeal) Act, 1921, a sum of £850,000 was added to the Development Fund for the purpose of providing a special fund for promoting agricultural development, including the establishment of scholarships and maintenance grants for the sons and daughters of agricultural workmen and others, and a sum of £100,000 has been set aside from this source to meet the last-mentioned purpose over a period of five years.


Will the right hon. Gentleman tell us what are the advantages derived by the agricultural labourers who are receiving 21s. a week as wages?

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