§ 76. Mr. BOWERMANasked the First Commissioner of Works the annual rental 1036 offered by Mrs. Orford for the retention of the trading privilege to supply sweets and refreshments in St. James's Park, and the amount of the annual rental to be paid by the present. tenant?
§ Sir J. BAIRDThe amounts were respectively £50 and £150.
§ Mr. BOWERMANHave not this lady and previous members of the same family enjoyed this privilege for something like 150 years, and is not this lady entitled to have more generous consideration?
§ Sir J. BAIRDI am afraid it is impossible to deal with that by question and answer. It is a long and complicated story. I cannot accept the contention that the lady is entitled to more generous treatment, but I shall be very glad to show the right hon. Gentleman all the facts connected with the case.
§ Mr. BOWERMANIs it not a fact that this family did hold the tenancy for about 150 years?
§ Sir J. BAIRDI should not like to commit myself as to the number of years, but members of the lady's family have been there for a good long time.
§ Mr. MAXTONDoes not the right hon. Gentleman realise that this is a very serious departure from the hereditary principle?
§ Sir J. BAIRDIt was explained to this lady in 1913 that she would not be able to carry on indefinitely.
§ Mr. MAXTONYou might do that in other cases.