HC Deb 05 March 1923 vol 161 cc45-6
Viscount CURZON

(by Private Notice) asked the Under-Secretary of State whether he has any statement to make regarding the bomb outrages on the British forces in Cairo; whether he can give an assurance that adequate steps are being taken by the military authorities to prevent the recurrence of such outrages, and whether the military authorities are satisfied that the Egyptian Government is doing all that it can to render assistance?


An official report on the outrage reported in this morning's newspapers has not yet been received. The Noble Lord may rest assured that Lord Allenby, in concert with the military authorities, is taking every possible step to prevent the recurrence of such crimes and to arrest the criminals. I have no reason to believe that the Egyptian Government are not rendering all the assistance in their power.


Can the hon. Gentleman give any information as to what transpired on the recent occasion of a deputation representing the Egyptian Affairs Committee to the Prime Minister, of which no report has been issued?


That does not arise out of the question which has been put.