HC Deb 30 July 1923 vol 167 cc1006-7
15. Mr. MOREL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the-Native Affairs Department of the Colony of Kenya will be instructed to furnish a Report upon the economic products which might, with technical assistance, be successfully cultivated by the natives of the country in their reserves; if he will give instructions that all possible encouragement shall be furnished to the native population for the cultivation of such products; and if he will consider the advisability of the services of European instructors from West Africa or India being placed at the disposal of the Colony?


A scheme of the kind suggested by the hon. Member is already in force for the instruction of natives, under European supervisors and native instructors, in improved methods of cultivation of crops suitable for the locality in which they live, the crops selected for special encouragement being cotton, rice, sim-sim, groundnuts, maize and beans. I should prefer to await information as to the progress of the scheme before considering the suggestion that instructors should be obtained from West Africa and India.

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