HC Deb 25 July 1923 vol 167 cc427-9
11. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many battleships, battle cruisers, light cruisers, ocean-going destroyers, including flotilla leaders, aircraft carriers, and submarines, are in full commission in the Royal Navy, the Royal Japanese Navy, and the French Navy, respectively?

The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the ADMIRALTY (Commander Eyres-Monsell)

As the reply is in tabular form I will, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman answer the last part of the question as to battleships?


I think the hon. and gallant Gentleman had better wait till he sees the tabular statement.

Following is the Tabular Statement:

Japan. France. British Empire.
Battleships 4 5 13*
Battle Cruisers 3 2
Light Cruisers 11 4 34
Destroyers 22 30 71†
Submarines 11 28 41
Aircraft Carriers 1 3
* Does not include "Ajax" and "Centurion" which have 3/5ths crews although running with an active service squadron.
†Including Flotilla Leaders.
15. Viscount CURZON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many destroyers are now completed and how many are building or are to be laid down in the Japanese and British Navies?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. Amery)

Japan has 76 destroyers completed, 12 building, and 21 to be laid down and completed by March, 1928. The British Empire has 183 destroyers built and three building. In addition, there are 16 flotilla leaders completed and two building: The above figures do not include any vessels over 15 years old.

16. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any of the money voted by Japan for increasing the elevation of the guns of her capital ships has yet been spent; and whether Japan now accepts our view that such action would be contrary to the spirit, if not the letter, of the Washington Treaty?


No money has been voted by Japan specifically for increasing elevation of guns. The sum of 50,000,000 yen (£5,000,000) in round figures has been earmarked for "alterations to capital ships," to be divided between the years 1923 to 1931, the amount to be expended in 1923–24 being 2,259,000 yen. It is understood that the existing capital ships are to be given increased protection against air attack, but the details regarding any further alterations that may be contemplated are not known. It is understood from Press reports that ships are to be taken in hand one at a time and the work is to be completed by 1931. With regard to the second part of the question, the Admiralty has no official information.

14. Captain Viscount CURZON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can give any particulars as to the number and armaments of the light cruisers now completed in the Japanese and British navies, and how many are building or are to be laid down?


As the reply is a long one in tabular form I will, with my Noble and gallant Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Viscount CURZON

Can the right hon. Gentleman give the number of ships in the two Navies?


Yes, Japan—built, 15; building, 8; to be laid down, 6. British Empire—built, 48; building, 4; to be laid down, none.

The reply is as follows:

Built number. Building number. To be laid down. Armament.
1 2–6"; 10–4/"; 2–12 pdr.; 3 T. (18").
3 8–6"; 4–12 pdr.; 3 T. (18").
2 4–5/"; 1–12 pdr. AA; 6 T. (21").
9 5 7–5/"; 2–12 pdr. AA; 8 T. (21").
1 6–5 5"; 4T. (21").
2 2 7,100 tons, armament not known.
4 10,000 tons, armament not known.
15 8 6
1 7–7/"; 4–3" AA.
1 4–7/"; 4–3" AA; 4–3".
3 6–6"; 2–4" AA; 4–3 pdr.
5 6–6"; 2–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
5 5–6"; 2–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
8 5–6"; 2–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
2 5–6"; 2–3" AA; 2–3 pdr.
5 4–6"; 2–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
1 4–6"; 1–3" AA; 2–2 pdr.
4 4–6"; 2–3" AA.
2 8–6"; 1–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
3 9–6"; 1–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
6 8–6"; 1–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
1 2–6"; 6–4"; 1–4" AA.
1 8–6"; 1–3" AA; 4–3 pdr.
2 7–7/"; 3–4" AA.
2 7–6"; 2–4" AA; 4–3 pdr.
48 4

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