HC Deb 25 July 1923 vol 167 cc465-6

asked the Home Secretary how many children and young persons have been drowned in the Duckets and Regents Canals during the months of May, June, and July this year, especially in those parts of the canals which pass through the parishes of Hackney, Bow, Bromley, and Poplar; and whether it is the intention of the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis to take steps to make better provision for the prevention of loss of life by drowning?


I am informed by the Commissioner of Police that four boys have lost their lives by drowning in the months in question. The canals, being private property, are not patrolled by the police. It is no doubt a matter of great difficulty to prevent children trespassing on the canal company's property, but it is a matter for the company to take any measures that are reasonably practicable for that purpose.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in many places the fences have broken down, leaving spaces through which children can get, and that there is very great indignation in the district because of the facility with which children can trespass; and will he consider getting power for the police to deal with the matter? This is a very old story.


I know it has been a grievance for many years, and I regret it has not been possible to get anything done. I do not know if I have any power in the matter, but I will look into it.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the necessity of bringing in a short Bill giving him the powers required to deal with the matter, as it is agreed that at present he has not the powers and that he should have them. [HON. MEMBERS: "Speech‡"] It is all very well, but little children lose their lives in this way. Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that these deaths by drowning have been going on for years; and, surely, all hon. Members will want to ensure the protection of children?


I am quite aware that this is a very old-standing grievance. I have known of it myself for years and years. I will certainly consider what can be done.