HC Deb 25 July 1923 vol 167 cc467-8
113. Mr. MUIR

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware that employment is being offered by the Canadian Government to 52,000 men for harvest work; that 30 days' work is guaranteed at 16s. per day, with free board and lodging; that a reduced fare of £12 to Canada is being offered toy steamship companies, but that the men will have to pay the full fare coming home; and, seeing that their earnings in 30 days will not be sufficient to pay their fares out and back, will he make representations to have the guaranteed period increased to two months?


I have seen the announcement referred to The guarantee to work for 30 days is one which is given to the shipping companies toy intending harvest workers in order to obtain the reduced fare which is approximately £16 return. Harvest operations in Canada usually last from two to three months. In previous years most of the men required have been obtained from Eastern Canada and the States; it is not expected therefore that more than a few hundred will proceed from this country. I may say that notice of this question has been sent to the Canadian immigration authorities here.