HC Deb 25 July 1923 vol 167 c470
102. Mr. TILLETT

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is acquainted with the proposed air service between London and Prague which is to be instituted by the Instone Line; and whether he intends to take steps to arrange for a representative of the Ministry to accompany the plane on its first journey and report upon the same in the interest of aviation generally and to help in the consideration of what form of assistance shall be rendered by the State to ventures of this character?

Major BARNSTON (for Sir Samuel Hoare)

As regards the first part of the question, preliminary negotiations are now in progress with the Czechslovak authorities for the extension of the London-Cologne air service to Prague.

As regards the second part, the Director of Civil Aviation undertook a flight to Prague on the 13th October last in order to acquaint himself with the route and to discuss with the Czechslovak authorities the form of assistance to be rendered by the respective States to such an undertaking. All possible assistance to further the establishment of the service will be afforded by the Air Ministry.


Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman Say in how many hours it is proposed to make this journey?


No, Sir; I regret I cannot say that without notice.