§ 37. Mr. DUNNICOasked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that boys of 14 years of age are employed in the coal mines of this country not only during the day but during the night also; that these boys in some areas commence their duties between midnight and three o'clock in the morning; and whether he is prepared to consider the advisability of so amending the law as to prevent the continuance of a system that is inimical to the physical and mental welfare of these children?
§ Lieut.-Colonel LANE-FOXI am aware that boys of 14 may legally be employed at night in coal mines below ground provided that an interval of ordinarily 15 hours and in no case less than 13 hours separates two periods of work. I have received no representations that the law 214 ought to be amended. I will certainly give them my most careful consideration if they are made to me.