HC Deb 19 July 1923 vol 166 cc2462-3
1. Mr. MUIR

asked the Minister of Pensions what is the number of permanent pensions issued for cases of disease other than tuberculosis; whether he could furnish detailed figures showing the nature of the disability and the approximate number in receipt of pension in respect of each disease; and what is the number of permanent pensions in issue to pensioners suffering from tuberculosis?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Major Tryon)

As the figures asked for are more detailed than can suitably be given in an oral answer, I will circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the figures promised:

The final awards of life pension which have been granted up to date for each class of disease are as follows:

Dysentery 67
Enteric 19
Malaria 293
Trench fever 34
Rheumatism 2,466
Pulmonary tuberculosis 623
Tuberculosis, not pulmonary 265
Affections of respiratory system 4,954
Affections of respiratory system 4,954
Organic disease of heart 1,577
Functional disease of heart 1,070
Nephritis 553
Gastric ulcer 146
Appendicitis 99
Other diseases of alimentary system 326
Hernia 328
Neurasthenia 2,234
Epilepsy 333
Tabes darsalis 99
Other organic nervous diseases 516
Insanity 284
Diseases of eye resulting in complete blindness 83
Other diseases of eye 3,761
Diseases of ear 3,743
Debility 1,013
Diabetes 22
Flat foot 195
Frost bite 907
Gas poisoning 341
Miscellaneous 5,078
Diseases of veins 761
Diseases of joints 1,136
Arterio-sclerosis 109
Total 33,445