§ 48. Sir H. BRITTAINasked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the 30-inch by 31½-inch tyre and tube, Ford size, are being sold in this country at the manufacturer's price of about 40s.; whether he is aware that the cost of producing the tyre alone in this country is £2 6s. 9d.; and what measure does the Government propose to take to safeguard the manufacturers and workpeople engaged with the British tyre industry?
§ 49 and 50. Mr. HANNONasked the Prime Minister (1) whether his attention has been called to the recent reduction of 10 per cent. in the cost of rubber tyres sold in this country by an important Continental manufacturing firm; whether he is aware that this reduction brings the price at which these Continental tyres are offered considerably below the cost of production in this country; what steps His Majesty's Government proposes to take to save the British tyre industry from disaster, consequent upon competition based upon exchange values favourable to the foreign producer;
(2) whether his attention has been called to the recent enormous increase in the importation of American motor tyres into this country; whether he is aware that the importation of these tyres is responsible for the unemployment of between 25,000 and 30,000 workpeople and the consequent weekly circulation in wages of between £75,000 and £90,000 in Great Britain, and that these tyres are sold retail in England at a price lower than the cost of production in this country; and whether, in view of the menace of increased unemployment in the forthcoming winter, His Majesty's Government is proposing to take any steps to safeguard this industry and to provide employment for the workpeople concerned?
§ The PRIME MINISTERThis question will receive careful consideration by the Government.
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYDoes the right hon. Gentleman intend to honour the pledge given by himself or his predecessor at the Election, not to alter the fiscal system of this country in this Parliament?
§ Mr. MOSLEYDid not the Prime Minister, during the passage of the Safeguarding of Industries Act, give a definite pledge that Part II of the Act was not to be applied against French goods—the principal country engaged in the manufacture of tyres?
§ Mr. HANNONIs it not the first consideration of the Prime Minister to see that the people of this country get employment?
Captain BENNWill the right hon. Gentleman define what he means by "giving careful consideration"? Are the Government contemplating a Bill?
§ The PRIME MINISTERThe hon. and gallant Member has been in this House much longer than I have.
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYWill the pledge of the right hon. Gentleman's predecessor that the fiscal system will not be altered in this Parliment be honoured?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI do not think that question arises here.
§ Mr. MOSLEYCan the Prime Minister state if he proposes to take action, should action be taken under Part II of the Safeguarding of Industries Act?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI do not think the time has come for answering that question yet.