HC Deb 18 July 1923 vol 166 cc2293-4
32. Mr. HAYDAY

asked the Minister of Labour whether it has been decided to increase the fee charged for holding trade union branch meetings in Employment Exchanges from 1s. per meeting to 2s. 6d. where the branch has less than 50 members, and to 5s. where the branch has a membership exceeding 50; and, if so, whether he will state the reason for imposing this substantial increase?


The increased scale of charges referred to was introduced in August, 1921, at all Exchanges at which special accommodation for meetings was provided, and has been applied subsequently to other Exchanges as and when special accommodation was made available. Where the only accommodation available consists of the ordinary waiting rooms or clerks' rooms the previous charge of 1s. has been maintained. The increase was necessary because the charge of 1s. did not nearly cover the additional cost of heating, lighting, cleaning and attendance occasioned by a meeting.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether or no the original charge was not looked upon as merely a charge for letting and a matter of convenience for the Exchanges, to attract associations to meet at the Exchange buildings?


There was a certain amount of mutual convenience about it, but I think it will be realised by the members of the branches that the charge is exceedingly small.


In view of the dislocation of the associations and their inability to get back to suitable premises, will the right hon. Gentleman not reconsider the matter, for the annual charge is really a most considerable sum?


The charge is really a very small item; and I do not think, under all the circumstances of the case, that even the increased charges are unreasonable.