HC Deb 18 July 1923 vol 166 cc2283-4
15. Sir B. FALLE

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware that a number of boilermaker apprentices who have just completed their time are under notice to quit the dockyards through trade adjustment; and if he can arrange that these men get a little longer experience as men before being put out?


I am sorry that, owing to the requirements of current work, it has become necessary to adjust the numbers in the engineering department of Portsmouth Dockyard. Twenty boilermakers, on completing their apprenticeship, will therefore have to be discharged, and 28 labourers entered their place. It has recently been decided that in all such cases the ex-apprentices are to be employed for not less than one month as journeymen, and I regret that no longer extension can be allowed in the present case.


Is it possible for these men to be allowed to serve as labourers for a period should they wish to do so?


I am afraid that would raise very awkward questions in the dockyard. If they were allowed, I do not think it would be to the greater convenience of those there.