HC Deb 17 July 1923 vol 166 cc2030-1
27. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether, in view of the increased consumption of tinned fish in the Highlands of Scotland, and consequent danger to public health, he will take steps to make it possible for the local inhabitants to get a chance to purchase the freshwater fish from their local rivers and lochs, at present held privately for sport?

Captain ELLIOT (Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health, Scotland)

I have no statistics as to the consumption of tinned fish in Scotland or in any particular districts, and I do not know on what evidence the hon. Member bases his suggestion that under existing safeguards tinned fish is dangerous to public health. The sale of freshwater fish taken from rivers and lochs would seem to be a transaction in which I have no power to interfere.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman not aware of the fact that there are certain places, and I can give him one now—Morvern, near Oban—where the rivers and lochs are, without exaggeration, full of fish, and yet people have to eat tinned salmon that comes four or five thousand miles; and is he not aware of the fact that there have been four cases of poisoning? Does he not remember that other cases of poisoning took place not long ago?

Captain ELLIOT

If the hon. Gentleman is referring to the case of Loch Maree—


No; that was paste.

Captain ELLIOT

As I say, the effect of transactions with regard to the purchase of freshwater fish is a matter over which I have no power. I do not know what steps the hon. Member suggests that I should take.