HC Deb 06 July 1923 vol 166 cc858-9

Order for Second Reading read.


I beg to move, "That the Bill be now read a Second time."

This is a much simpler Bill than the last. It is moved every year. By its constitution, the Isle of Man is entitled to impose certain Customs Duties, but those Customs Duties are not valid unless this House sanction them within six months. It is our duty to sanction them. I do not know what the Isle of Man would do if we did not sanction them. We might be exposing ourselves to a declaration of war from the island. There never has been any difficulty in times past in passing this annual Customs Bill.

Captain O'GRADY

Will the right hon. Gentlemen declare what are the Customs Duties?


They are all set out in the Bill. There is a duty on tobacco, the same as in this country; a duty on beer, which is slightly different; and duties on spirits and cocoa, and import duties on clocks and watches, exactly the same as the Imperial Duty. But for some reason there is no duty on pianos or harmoniums in the Isle of Man.

Captain O'GRADY

Would these be double duties?


No; there is only one duty.

Question put, and agreed to.

Bill read a Second time.

Resolved, "That this House will immediately resolve itself into the Committee on the Bill."—[Colonel Leslie Wilson.]

Bill accordingly considered in Committee, and reported, without Amendment.

Bill to be read the Third time upon Monday next (9th July).