HC Deb 05 July 1923 vol 166 cc602-4

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will now revert to the pre-War hours of opening of the South Kensington Museum to permit students (engaged in industry during the day) to follow their studies and research there during the evening?


I regret, that I can add nothing to the reply I gave on the 1st March last to my hon. Friend the Member for Norwood (Mr. Greaves-Lord).


Is it not a very great hardship that those persons, who during the day must follow their employment, and who desire to improve themselves under the specialised conditions which are operative in industry to-day, should not have the opportunity of research?


Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider the decision taken in this matter, in view of the fact, to which my hon. Friend refers, that a great many students work hard all day, and find this is the only opportunity they have for research?


I can assure my right hon. and hon. Friends that I am quite alive to the desirability of the museum being open at such times as will afford the opportunity of which they speak, if it were possible, but it is not immediately possible. As I have already pointed out, it would involve considerable expenditure. I hope as soon as conditions become a little easier it may be possible, and in the meantime it should be borne in mind that the museum is open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that on Saturdays and Sundays, when the students are able to go there, the light is very defective, with the result that the museum is practically of no use to them; and will he see to the question of the lighting?


I will certainly have that point examined.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration

Powers. 1st January to 31st May, 1922. 1st January to 31st May, 1923.
Deliveries in Kind. Gold Marks in thousands. Gold Marks in thousands.
Great Britain 81,759 79,612
France 97,292 13,904
Italy 37,482 52,190
Belgium 28,853 4,607
Serbia 24,886 43,831
Rumania 31 21,577
Portugal 7,513
Other Powers 7,922 2,655
Deliveries sold by Reparation Commission 11,702 700
Total 289,927 226,589

In the case of Great Britain, receipts under the Reparation Recovery Act are classified under deliveries in kind.

2. According to a statement made in the French Senate the total value of coal, coke, dyestuffs, taxes, fines, etc., which have come into the hands of the French forces in the Ruhr and Rhineland since the occupation amounted, on the 1st June, to 363,000,000 francs (equals, roughly, 100,000,000 gold marks), made up as follows:

the fact that Members in all quarters of the House would welcome this concession?