HC Deb 05 July 1923 vol 166 cc604-5

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the amount received in cash and kind from Germany by each of the Allies since the occupation of the Ruhr; and the corresponding amount for a preceding period of the same duration?


As the reply contains many figures, I will, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

Deliveries in Kind.

1. Germany has continued to make deliveries in kind to Powers other than France and Belgium since the occupation of the Ruhr (10th January, 1923) under the established procedure. The amounts received by each Power for the period 1st January to the 31st May, 1922 and 1923, respectively are as follow:

Customs, export licenses, coal tax, fines and seizures 67,000,000
Coal, coke, etc., and dyestuffs 296,000,000
Total 363,000,000
These sums have not reached the Reparation Commission.

Cash Payments.

3. Cash payments to the amount of 322,646,000 gold marks were made by Germany to Belgium in the period 1st January to 31st May, 1922. No other Allied Power received cash payments in this period.

No cash payments have been made by Germany since 10th January, 1923, except

1st January to 30 th April, 1922. 1st January to 30 th April, 1923.
America 1,698,000 172,000
Great Britain 4,288,000 2,947,000
Belgium 2,321,000 2,600*
France 14,882,000 5,105,000*
* Before the Ruhr Occupation.

asked the Prime Minister how much Germany has paid in reparations to the Allied Powers; and how much has Great Britain received from Germany?


I would refer the hon. Member to page 25 of the "Statement of Germany's Obligations under the heading of Reparation, etc., at 31st December, 1922," published by the Stationery Office for the Reparation Commission.